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NITC7 – Flyer

The 7th edition of the Meet Up is here! This is a P.A.C.K.E.D edition. Phew! Let me attempt to start breaking it down.

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The theme of NITC7 is Protective Styling which is very important for retaining length and growing healthy hair. Get ready to learn about protective styles and getting tips for caring for hair while it is protectively styled. 

In our tradition of taking things up a notch, we are pleased to announce that we will be screening Cynthia Bature’s much talked about Kickin’ It With The Kinks documentary. After the screening we can have a bit of a chin wag about what we have seen. I know that there will be lots of opinions and can’t wait to hear them all! Come, watch with an open mind. We present this alongside Tope Jobi of Chez Moi Apartments. 

If you have ever been curious about Ayurvedic treatments for your hair, you definitely attend NITC7 as there will be whole segment dedicated to explaining how to achieve healthier hair using Ayurvedic herbs. These herbs and the Ayurvedic practices have been long used by Indians to grow and maintain their long, shiny hair. The actual herbs will also be on sale at the venue.

Have I ever mentioned that one of my pet peeves having make-up  applied by most professional Make Up Artists (MUA) in Nigeria is the fact that they are not very hygienic about it? I have literally only ever met just one MUA who uses a disposable brush to apply Mascara and disinfects other things as she goes along. The rest just use the very same brush on everyone else *cringeworthy*. I have invited this New-York trained MUA to come over and share a few tips on how to apply make-up hygienically and also what you should expect your professional MUA to do for you. Benefits to you? Seriously reduced risk of infections and skin diseases.

It doesn’t end there!  For the first time ever, there will be a Product Swap segment. I am lucky to have Ms Isioma handle it. Inspiration for this segment came from Hadassah. Thank you, ladies! It is easy, if you have a product that you no longer want you can bring it along and if someone else brings something you want to try, exchange it for that. You get a new product with no money involved. 

As always, there is no criteria for entry so your hair can be relaxed, texturized or all chopped off. All are welcome and equally respected. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. We are all about Healthy Hair.

Directions to the NITC7 venue, the amazing Omenka Gallery can be found here. I can’t wait to see what exhibition they will have set up that day. 

Entry is free although I feel that it is important to mention that the next NITCs may not be. It costs quite a bit of money, time and other resources to put these meet ups together and if we are to continue to put out good quality meet ups as well as attract the right sort of speakers, we may need to compensate them. I actually think that we are the only long term Natural Hair Meet Up that allows free entry in the entire world. For real. Check on it. If we do decide to charge, it will not be costly at all. Just a token fee.

See you there and don’t forget to bring a friend or 3!  And please, walk up and introduce yourself and say hello – I will have a tag on with Natural Nigerian written on it! I love meeting people at the Meet ups and look forward to meeting you!

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